Small Backyard Semi-Inground Pools

Small backyards can still make a big splash! Semi-inground pools are designed to seamlessly blend into limited spaces, offering the joy of a swimming pool without overwhelming your yard. Explore how these pools provide the perfect balance between size and style, making them a fantastic fit for cozy outdoor settings.

If you want a quote with installation please call (978) 710-8667

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Big deck small semi-inground pool

If your looking for a small semi inground pool for your backyard we have a lot to choose from. We mostly sell and install the Aquasport 52 Pool here in Massachusetts. I know they are even more popular on Long Island NY as most people there have small backyards. Spoiler alert we do not sell to NY or NJ.

The main reason the Aquasport 52 is the pool of choice for semi inground installation is because of its strength and design, not to mention its attractive price when compared to other options like fiberglass or traditional inground swimming pools. Also, it is easy and relatively inexpensive to install, making them popular among the DIY crowd.

Plus, not all yards are created equal, but don’t let that limit your pool dreams. Semi-inground pools offer flexibility in installation, accommodating sloped or uneven terrain with ease. Explore how this flexibility allows you to make the most of your unique backyard layout.

With the low cost of these pools and the installation, it saves your budget for hardscaping, patios, heaters and landscaping lights, which all add to make your backyard a most desirable retreat.


In conclusion, size doesn’t limit the fun you can have in your backyard. Semi-inground pools open up a world of possibilities for small backyards and outdoor spaces, transforming them into refreshing retreats for family and friends. Enjoy the excitement of pool ownership without compromising on style or budget. Your dream backyard oasis is just a splash away!